Florida GOP

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Charlie Crist: End the trade embargo against Cuba

"If you really care about people on the island, we need to get rid of the embargo and 
Let freedom reign," 
When Charlie Crist went to Miami's Little Havana recently, the Democratic candidate for governor stood before a crowd and said what few politicians have in decades of scrounging for votes in the 
Cuban-American neighborhood: 
End the trade embargo 
against Cuba
Florida Dems sense an opening with newer Cuban arrivals and
Second-generation Cuban-Americans 
who favor resuming diplomatic relations with
 the communist island. 
In a sign of just how much the climate has shifted, 
Hillary who backed trade limits when she ran for 
president in 2008,
 is now calling for the embargo to be lifted. Good for her. 
She described it as "
Castro's best friend"here

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