Florida GOP

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Florida Republican's Sugar Daddy

 On a Friday in February 2013, Gov. Rick Scott stepped aboard a Texas-bound plane to take part in a secret ritual for Florida’s GOP. Scott was departing for historic King Ranch, one of North America’s premier hunting grounds. The trips, records indicate, were financed all or in part with contributions from Florida’s sugar industry, right down to the hunting licenses. here

Scott won’t answer questions about his trip. After weeks of requests from the Times/Herald. The urge to keep details about the trips confidential is so strong among Florida’s elected officials that Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam’s press secretary shut a door in the face of a reporter asking about King Ranch. “You’ll have to talk to the Republican Party of Florida, since it was their fundraiser,” Putnam said as the door closed.

ead more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/07/25/4255420/why-wont-florida-gop-leaders-talk.html#storylink=cpy

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