Florida GOP

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Rick Scott: Florida's Culture Of Corruption

Scott,  rejected $2.4 billion in federal transportation money to develop a high-speed rail line between Tampa and Orlando. The architect of Scott's opposition to high-speed rail was Adam Hollings­worth, then an adviser to the governor on transportation issues. Hollingsworth then went to work for Parallel Infrastructure, a company owned by Florida East Coast Industries, which also owns All Aboard Florida, the project to develop a private rail line between Miami and Orlando.
"The state has no involvement in this railway." 
Pay no mind the $1.5 billion federal loan that All Aboard Florida wants. 
Avert your eyes from the more than 
$250 million in state money 
that has been set aside for projects that will assist this train. Ignore the $44 million in direct state-funded grants the company plans to seek. 
It could end up costing us $1.8 billion 
This happens when a self-deluding governor has his chief of staff book a seat for him on the Last Train to Cronyville. Tallahassee is truly a mystical place.  Daniel Ruth

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