Florida GOP

Monday, July 21, 2014

Thanks Sen. Nelson

Great news! Senator Nelson just became the Senate’s latest co-sponsor for SJ Res 19, the proposed constitutional amendment to fight the corruptive influence of big money in politics!
It’s important that Sen. Nelson knows his decision has the support of Floridians like you. Can you spare a few minutes to call Sen. Nelson’s office and thank him for joining the fight to undo the damage of decisions like
Citizens United?
Sen. Nelson’s office: (202) 224-5274

With the addition of Sen. Nelson, SJ Res 19 now has 48 co-sponsors in the Senate! One name that’s still absent from that growing list? Senator Rubio’s. That’s why we need you to call Sen. Rubio today and ask why he hasn’t joined Sen. Nelson in supporting this critical amendment to restore strength and integrity to our democracy.
Sen. Rubio’s office: (202) 224-3041

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