Florida GOP

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

John Morgan: Their amazing hypocrisy

I've been around politics a while, and I shouldn't be surprised by lies - but I am. I know some of the folks on the No on 2 side. They're good people with good hearts.  But they aren't just wrong on the issues related to Amendment 2 - they're being absolutely hypocritical.

They're claiming that the list of diseases and conditions is too open-ended, yet they know that the only ones truly qualified to determine what is debilitating are medical doctors.  They'll trust a doctor enough to put one on TV - but not to do their job?  Hypocrisy.

They claim we should let legislature do its job, pointing out so-called "loopholes" that they know aren't loopholes at all - while they know that the Amendment  tasks the legislature and the Department of Health to sort out these details and regulations after passage.

I'm putting even more money up to fight this hypocrisy, but it's not enough.  We need you with us. This race is ours to win.  We WILL win it, because we are doing it for our families and friends and perhaps someday, ourselves.

We won't let the lies sit unanswered.  We are going up on TV, on radio, and online in a big way. We are punching back with the truth and we are going to win this thing.  Contribute here now.

For the people,
John Morgan
Chairman, United for Care

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