Florida GOP

Thursday, October 9, 2014

USF Student Staw Poll: Florida GOP In Big Trouble

 The University of South Florida has released the results of a straw poll conducted on campus on the Nov. 4 election.
Charlie Crist(D) 49%
Rick Scott(R) 29%
Adrian Wylie(L) 8%
 Attorney General 
George Sheldon(D) 50%  
Pam Bondi(R) 37% 
 Chief Financial Officer
 William Rankin(D) 55%  
Jeff Atwater(R) 45%. 
Commissioner of Agriculture
Thaddeus Hamilton(D) 44%
Adam Putnam(R) 42%

Constitutional amendment legalizing medical marijuana in the state of Florida is supported by 70% of voters.

"Millennials are larger in size than the baby boomers," said political science Professor Susan MacManus, who is overseeing the poll. "So what you're seeing here is a glimpse of what politics will look like in a couple of years."

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