Florida GOP

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Why Rick Scott was the most unpopular governor in the country

This is who we're up against -- Rick Scott, a man who...
  • Turned down $2.4 billion in federal money for high speed rail
  • Refused to expand Medicaid, leaving one million people without the health care they need
  • Cut K-12 education by $1.3 billion -- and slashed the number of Bright Futures scholarships in half
  • Heartlessly returned a rescue dog!
  • Sent five men out to call equal pay for women "dangerous"
  • Doesn't support raising the minimum wage
  • Won't take responsibility for his government's fight against marriage equality
  • Vetoed funding for 30 rape crisis centers
  • Actively tried to make it harder for people to vote
  • Plundered the Everglades and Florida's natural resources to benefit his biggest donors
  • Hid his travel, communication, and schedule from the public to conduct shady deals
  • Jacked up your utility rates and property insurance
  • Re-installed barriers to restoration of rights
  • Is adamantly anti-choice and wants to overturn Roe v. Wade
  • Wants to take us back to the days when insurance companies could deny you coverage just for being sick
  • Has a blind trust run by a close family friend that he checks in on regularly
  • Created only 4 percent of the jobs he promised -- and most of those are for the wealthy and his powerful businesses associates
  • Vote Florida and help Charlie out.

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