Florida GOP

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Yes On 2: We're still winning

There's been a lot of poll talk these days.  In public polls there's literally a 19% swing between the 
highest and lowest. 

Here's what I know:  Our own internal data currently puts us above the 60% we need to win.

We knew, when a billionaire got into the race and dumped millions on the No on 2 side, that we would take a hit - and we did. But as it turns out - his money didn't go as far as they thought it would. We're still winning.

I'm not going to be coy about this:  This is going to be a close race and we need everyone supportive of Amendment 2 and medical marijuana to come out and vote.  We need your help in spreading the word to your friends and families, and helping to explain that what the No on 2 people are saying are scare-tactics 
and lies unsupported by the facts.

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