Florida GOP

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bianca A Garza Of United For Care

My heart aches, but it’s actually painless. But not for hundreds of thousands of Floridians. I am so saddened to know there are soo many Floridians who will continue to suffer, who will technically live as criminals and who will risk their lives to obtain cannabis for their family to find relief. Last night I literally had nightmares of the people Ive met along this journey who will continue to suffer, but my dreams don’t compare to their everyday reality. I normally don’t wi...sh negative happenings on people, but I hope the No folks have a few nightmares themselves. Perhaps it will bring about a change in them. more
Great job Ms. Garza, thank you for all your hard work.

1 comment:

  1. No on 2 nightmares? They sold their souls to the devil along time ago. They are having wet dreams.
