Florida GOP

Friday, November 28, 2014

We're not stopping the fight for medical marijuana

3,370,761 people - almost 58% voted for medical marijuana in Florida. This total - half a million more than Gov. Rick Scott and almost 900k more than voted “no” - is clear proof that the people of Florida want a medical marijuana law. Let's be clear: the ONLY reason medical marijuana didn't pass in November is because one of the richest men in the world funded over $5 million dollars worth of false and misleading advertising on TV, Radio and the Internet, and we simply did not have enough resources to counter the lies with facts in enough time.

 Despite being outspent on advertising 3 to 1, we still wound up with one of the highest percentages of support for medical marijuana ever seen in the country.Sadly, it was not enough - but 2016 promises greater turnout, more time to explain what the Amendment does and doesn't do, and a head start of almost 3.4 million supporters.We are going to pass a medical marijuana law in Florida by the end of 2016. It will happen one of two ways: legislative action or another constitutional amendment.

We expect to have the 2016 petition ready to launch in a few weeks or so. As soon as we do, you'll be the first to know, and we'll need your help in mobilizing this fight.
If you want to help us, please forward this to your friends. 
You can also support the 2016 petition mobilization effort by making an early donation to United for Care here.

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