Florida GOP

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Florida GOP Already Looking For Ways To Fuck Tt Up

On November 4th, Florida voters overwhelmingly passed the biggest land and water conservation amendment in U.S. history.
 Seventy-five percent of voters passed 
Amendment One
Well guess what, The Florida GOP is scamming again. 
instead of fully funding the projects that these laws protect, they’re going to rewrite the laws. Did you know since Scott took office, environmental projects have taken a massive, crippling hit. For instance, funding for Florida Forever, the program that buys land to protect water supplies and habitats went from 
$300 million to $29 million. here

There’s nothing Republicans hate more than losing the power to control money. Especially losing that power to voters for such an unworthy cause like the environment.
Free lube for GOP voters at
Also AVAILABLE to non-voters

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