Florida GOP

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tampa Looking For Mayor

I make this post with some sadness but it needs to be done. I have to go ahead and officially end this endeavor. I did an interview last night in which I admitted that we are not going to make the ballot to run against Bob in the March 3, 2015 election.
I deeply appreciate all the vocal support and encouragement I've received in response to my campaign. Unfortunately, campaigns don't run on good... intentions and the help I needed with petitions simply never materialized. I must sincerely thank those who did help, and they know who they are, 
but the effort fell short of the goal. 

Becky Rubright
If no one else qualifies by the end of qualifying in mid-January,
Mayor Bob will be re-elected automatically.
Anybody out there with some cash want to give it a shot?

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