Florida GOP

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Florida for Care attends Department of Health’s

Public hearing on rewriting of SB 1030; Calls on Legislature to pass broader reformToday the Florida Department of Health conducted a public hearing in Orange County on rulemaking for Senate Bill 1030. SB 1030, also known as the Charlotte Web Law, was passed in 2014 by the Florida Legislature and was signed into law by Governor Rick Scott. This bill will allow for a high CBD, low THC form of cannabis known to help people with epilepsy and sever seizure disorders.
The DOH's plan today was to rewrite the rules on how the cannabis oil medicine will be produced and distributed.  Florida for Care’s Legislative and Policy Director, Dan Rogers, was present during the hearing.
“While the Department of Health is making progress, this bill is just not comprehensive enough for the vast majority of truly sick and suffering Floridians,” said Mr. Rogers. He continued, “Florida for Care intends to advocate for the passage of a comprehensive bill in the 2015 legislative session that will allow all suffering Floridians who could see relief through the medicinal use of marijuana to realize that relief.” Florida for Care will be working with members of the legislature to introduce a medical marijuana bill following the broad majority support the issue received in the November 2014 elections.
“A half million more Floridians voted for medical marijuana than voted to reelect our Governor. We need to make sure the will of people is heard and acted upon,” stated Ben Pollara, Executive Director of Florida for Care.
Florida for Care will spearhead legislation in March of 2015 in Tallahassee, setting the standard for what the state’s medical cannabis system should look like and how it can function most effectively. Such a system must balance three core principles: first, safe, affordable patient access; second, a tightly controlled state regulatory structure; and third, a robust, free market commercial enterprise.

For more information or to schedule an interview, please call Bianca Garza at 407-930-3525 or email her at press@floridaforcare.org
Florida for Care · 801 N Magnolia Ave, Suite 315, Orlando, FL 32803 

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