Florida GOP

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Florida for Care Bringing Nation’s Leading Drug Reformer

Florida for Care is hosting their first policy conference of 2015 this week. On Friday, February 27, 2015 they will bring Sheriffs, legislators, County Commissioners, advocates, medical professionals and business people together to discuss medical marijuana in Florida. Among those speaking at the conference will be Ethan Nadelmann, Executive Director of Drug Policy Alliance. “We are thrilled to have Ethan back. I suspect he’ll shed light on where Florida goes from here.” Stated Ben Pollara, Executive Director of Florida for Care.
Ethan Nadelmann was present during FFC’s last conference where he touched on Jamaica’s state of affairs in regards to medical marijuana- just over a month later Jamaica, as he predicted, decriminalized marijuana clearing the way for safe, legal access to medical marijuana. He also told guests of the last conference, “Building this industry isn’t just good for business, it’s the right thing to do”.
In addition to Ethan’s Afternoon Keynote speech, there will be panels titled Best Business Practices and Government Regulations.
The Policy Conference is being held at The Westin Colonnade of Coral Gables. The Conference is from 8am to 3pm on Friday, February 27 with a social networking event the evening before from 6:30 to 9pm. Registration is required to join the conference.
For more information on the event or how to become a member email Eric Stevens, Executive Deputy Director, at Eric@floridaforcare

Florida for Care will spearhead legislation in March of 2015 in Tallahassee, setting the standard for what the state’s medical cannabis system should look like and how it can function most effectively. Such a system must balance three core principles: first, safe, affordable patient access; second, a tightly controlled state regulatory structure; and third, a robust, free market commercial enterprise.

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