Florida GOP

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Florida One-Term Wonders

David Jolly, FL-13. 

Tag Team says Whoomp! (There It Is), and they may be back again, but David Jolly won’t be in 2016. In 2012, President Obama carried this district with more than 50 percent of the vote. Jolly has already tried to deceive Florida voters, claiming he wasn’t a lobbyist when his own paperwork clearly said he was. We’re sure he’ll try to deceive them again when voters hold him accountable for being willing to risk Social Security in the stock market. more

Carlos Curbelo, FL-26

Carlos Curbelo – “Hey Mikey” might blow Floridians’ minds, but Carlos Curbelo will surely be a disappointment. We will make sure voters know that Curbelo has a long record of voting to approve contracts for his campaign donors, while supporting a budget that slashed hundreds of good-paying jobs for middle class families in his district. Curbelo even recently endorsed Republicans suing President Obama to stop immigration reform action. more

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