Florida GOP

Friday, March 13, 2015

United for Care: why you should care

You may never have smoked it or know anyone that has.

But chances are, you know someone that will have the kind of serious, debilitating medical condition that could be helped, or alleviated somewhat, by medical marijuana. The science is there. That medical marijuana helps people was largely undisputed in the last election.

If someone close to you has or unfortunately develops cancer, glaucoma, epilepsy, ALS, MS, severe neuropathic pain, PTSD, AIDS, or similar ailments - they may benefit from having access.We are fighting for that access in both the state legislature and on the streets.

Please help us fund this fight. If we're going to fight it out again on Election Day, 2016, we need to raise $10 million between now and then.

We can't rely on big donors alone. Even $25, $50, and $100 donations kept us close. We need your help again. 
Please help us fund the fight for medical marijuana
by contributing today.
If you haven't yet signed the new petition, please click here.

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