Florida GOP

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Support for medical marijuana, 84% among Florida voters

New poll came out that showed support for medical marijuana, in general, 
has reached 
84% among Florida voters.
While we're not surprised support is increasing, we have to take these numbers with some caution - as we learned in 2014 there's a big difference between general support for the concept of medical marijuana, and actual support for the ballot amendment itself.  (Especially when voters are being told outright lies by our well-funded opposition.)  In fact, a good number of our opponents last year - including two key spokespeople for the No on 2 side - expressed support for medical marijuana in general.

For that reason, we have to mobilize, right now - projecting a reasonably close race.  More (and younger) voters vote in presidential years, and that will help us - but not to the tune of 84%.

Please help us by signing the petition, signing up as a volunteer, and contributing to our outreach so we can do in this next election what legislature should be doing 
right now!

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