Florida GOP

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Call Mayor Buckhorn Tomorrow

6am - 5pm
The Tampa Police Department's current approach of "proactive" policing victimizes far too many in the Bay Area's Black community. We can most specifically see this manifested in the biking citation and arrest disparities.  We are calling for an immediate end to the Bike citation program and an expansion in the current Department of Justice investigation to review the po...licing policies, practices,and arrest in Tampa. 

Call Mayor Buckhorn and tell him,
"As a citizen in this city, I demand that there be an immediate end to the Bike citation program that disproportionately affects black people in this city. I also call for an immediate expansion of the DOJs investigation to include all arrest and policing practices in Tampa". 
The new chief has said he will continue this practice. 

They are getting in trouble for things we all did as kids. Mayor Bob, Jane Castor and Chief Eric Ward we will never let you forget this. 
You all should be ASHAMED!

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