Florida GOP

Saturday, June 6, 2015

America's 33%

You Gov polls
Do you think the United States made a mistake sending troops to fight in Iraq back in 2003?
No 32%

Do you generally support or oppose the use of government surveillance methods to help fight crime and terrorism, even if they invade our privacy?
Support somewhat 35%

How strongly do you feel about this issue? (Privacy)
This is a less important issue to me 34%

Thinking about abortion, do you consider yourself more pro-choice, 
or more pro-life?
Strongly pro-life 31%

do you support or oppose allowing oil companies to drill offshore?
Support strongly 29%

Do you support or oppose the government making sure that every American has health insurance?
Oppose strongly 29%

Do you think there should be more or less government redistribution of wealth from the better off 
to the less well off?
A lot less 29%

In general, do you think the cost of college education should be borne more by the students (and their families) or by the government?
Mostly by students 38%

Overall, do you think immigrants make a contribution to American society or are a drain on it?
Are a large drain 29%

Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for people 
convicted of murder?
Strongly favor 33%

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