Florida GOP

Friday, June 5, 2015

Della Curry - American Hero

From Aurora, Colorado. was fired for giving out school lunches to elementary school kids who did not have money. 

“I had a first grader in front of me, crying, because she doesn’t have enough money for lunch. Yes, I gave her lunch, and i would do it again” Curry said.

 this must make people like Republican Jack Kingston furious. Children should work hard for their cheese sandwiches and not have some welfare-queen-lunchmarm giving them food for free. Those smiling faces ain't gonna pay for daddy's corporate tax break and it definitely won't build a state of the art children's prison. Before we yell at the school district, remember, it wasn't the district that refused to earmark $124,229 to help cover costs for school breakfasts for poor children. 

The people who did that were Republicans. Specifically, Republicans.

The Colorado Department of Education requested an additional $124,229 for the Start Smart Nutrition Program, which subsidizes the cost of breakfast at school for poor children, for the current budget year ending in June. However, the request failed 
on a 3-3 party-line vote.

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