Florida GOP

Monday, June 8, 2015


Fire Allison Tant and hire 
Susan Smith
Democrats want to see real Democrats running for office. Mmobilize the base. The voters are there, the task is to give them a reason to vote.When you put up lifelong Republicans who can’t be differentiated from Democrats, there’s no reason for Democratic voters to vote.

Rick Scott is the poster child for corrupt government. And yet we didn’t beat him.we couldn’t beat him because we didn’t put up a true blue candidate (Nan Rich) who could challenge him on his policies. Instead, we put up a lifelong Republican (Charlie Crist) who’d just changed parties. Once you have your dedicated Democrat voting, they will vote for ALL the Democrats all the way down the ballot.
Put up corporate Democrats all you want. Keep giving us lifelong Republicans to vote for. We’ll keep rejecting them. Let us know when you’re ready to win some elections with some real true blue Democrats and we’ll be right there behind you.
Thank you Brook Hines and The Florida Squeeze for this awesome piece.
Patrick Murphy = You will lose, the base will not work or vote for him.
 I know we won't. YCS

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