Florida GOP

Thursday, June 11, 2015

No Rail? No New Tax In Hillsborough County!

Mike Merrill is WRONG!
“Rail, per se, did not poll very well,” 
County Administrator Mike Merrill

When I atended the Go Hillsborough public input meeting in Temple Terrace on April 28th Rail wasn't even an option on my survey form. I was told to write it in on the back. It was all a sham.

As you can see on this chart Rail and 
Bike Lanes are our biggest priorities

Read about their lies here
Read our post on April 29th here
Hillsborough County Commissioners don't waste our time.


1 comment:

  1. It was all a show to make us think they care about what we have to say. They are going to do what ever they want. More roads, more cars more trafic. Like you I will fight more taxes if rail is not the main focus.
