Florida GOP

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

We Know Jeb Bush Well

  • It was Bush who, in violation of the Florida Constitution, repeatedly tried to take control of Terri Schiavo's very private end-of-life decision. 
  • He signed the "stand your ground" law in 2006 at the behest of the National Rifle Association. 
  • He implemented massive curtailments of early voting, resulting in the wholesale disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of Floridians, mostly African-American, in the 2008 election.
  • He opposed gay rights. 
  • He ended affirmative action in state contracts and college admissions.
  • Implemented a massive school voucher program.
  • Signed any antiabortion bill the Legislature sent him.
  • Billions in tax cuts to our wealthiest residents and corporations.
  • To pay for his tax breaks, he shifted billions more in property taxes onto the backs of homeowners and borrowed at unprecedented levels.
  • When he became governor, Florida had $13.2 billion in outstanding debt. When he left office in 2007, Florida's outstanding debt was over $23 billion, a 77 percent increase.
  • Under his administration, everyday Floridians were left with higher property taxes and greater debt.
  • Thank you Dan Gelber here 

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