Florida GOP

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

BernieSanders White Knights

A local activist brought to our attention this commentary by the website "Fight Back News" on her Facebook page (Which no longer exist) on why they will not support Bernie Sanders. here

"we cannot support the candidacy of Mr. Sanders. As senator, Sanders supported the 2010 Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill that included more militarization of the border, more temporary workers, cutting legal immigration from Africa in half by the elimination of the so-called diversity visa, and cutting back on family reunification visas. Sanders has said almost nothing about the ongoing police occupation of oppressed nationality communities, and the plague of police killings that target young Black and brown men."

We expressed our opinion on her comment section but the post disappeared, apparently  dissent is not tolerated. 

We think one of their own said it best:
"It's an organizing opportunity, not a horse race or a checkoff list of 'correct' positions. Avoiding the electoral area, failing to build organizations with a capacity to win elections at the grassroots, and counter-posing it with a kind of 'street heat syndicalism.' isn't going to get us where we need to go."
Carl Davidson, Online University of the Left


  1. Great post Stogie.

  2. Please tell us the name of the activist.
