Florida GOP

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Marco Rubio Not Cuba's Favorite Son

This should not come as a surprise. Rubio is a reactionary fanatic who demagogues incessantly about the evils of the Cuban government. He supports illegal and immoral policies that cause vast damage to the Cuban economy and needless suffering by the Cuban people.

But Rubio cannot accept that Cubans’ nearly unanimous rejection of his right-wing politics might mean he is badly mistaken in his Manichean view of the Cuban socioeconomic system. Rubio wears Cubans’ disapproval of him as a badge of honor. For Rubio, Cubans are incapable of independent judgement. If the Cuban people are against him, it means they must be brainwashed 
by the evil Castro regime.

Miami Cuban Mafia Esposed

"Let Cubans deside whats best for them, 
not the cowards who ran away from the revolution."

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