Florida GOP

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pathetic Subhuman Walter James Palmer

Cecil the Lion, the most famous animal in Zimbabwe, was killed on July 1 by an American named Walter James Palmer. The killers are said to have lured the 13-year-old lion out of a park after visiting hours. Palmer then shot Cecil with arrows, but the lion managed to get away, before being found weakened and injured 40 hours later, at which he point he was shot to death. here

US Government: Fast-Track African Lions as Endangered! 

Extradite Walter James Palmer to face justice in Zimbabwe.

Arrest Walter James Palmer Facebook Page here

Here is his phone number 612-825-9126 

“It’s not for food. It’s not the shooting, or tin cans would do. It must just be the thrill of killing. Mental.”  
Ricky Gervais

“Ohh the dentist ‘had no idea’ the lion was famous. Because had he known, he would never have murdered it without asking for a selfie first,” Olivia Wilde

 “SHAME ON HIM! I want them to take his citizenship away. I’m ashamed and horrified by what he did. #CecilTheLion.”Debra Messing

“This asshole. Why would anyone want to kill a lion for fun? What is wrong with people?” Alyssa Milano

“This #WalterPalmer is a poor excuse of a human being!” #WalterPalmer is Satan. I don’t know how anyone could go to this man for dental services after this. He is a killer. Beware!” Sharon Osbourne

“I’d love to go hunting for killer dentist Dr Walter Palmer, so I can stuff mount him for MY office wall.”  Piers Morgan

"How dare you #walterpalmer !!!! As a South African and as a human being I can't express how deeply saddened I am by this, what pleasure do you get out of doing such a thing! Seeing these animals alive in their natural habitat is such a blessing, you have to be so sick to want to kill such a majestic creature of God. You come to Africa with your dollars and euros thinking you can buy power by taking advantage of Africa's poverty and paying people to help you kill an innocent creature. Disgusting! I hope you get what you deserve #walterpalmer."
Candice Swanepoel

"What a pathetic human low life form. A coward and a heartless individual. May the taste of backlash cake be stuck in his throat and he chokes!" YCS

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