Florida GOP

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Bush Backtracks After Falling For Right-Wing Media Talking Points On Birthright Citizenship

After falling for right-wing media talking points about ending birthright citizenship and "anchor babies," Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush is scrambling to justify and backtrack his offensive rhetoric. here 

Conservative media have spent years complaining about "anchor babies" and "birth tourism," and calling for an end to birthright citizenship -- a constitutional guarantee. 
Conservative media figures going back to Glenn Beck in his Fox News days have railed against so-called "anchor babies" and "birth tourism," the former a derogatory slur and debunked myth used against U.S. born children of non-citizens, the latter of which represents a sliver of births that experts have repeatedly pointed out are "extraordinarily rare" and an insignificant immigration problem. As Salon's Simon Maloy wrote, this "grossly nativist and legally dubious" rhetoric has nevertheless found a receptive audience among conservatives.

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