Florida GOP

Monday, August 10, 2015

Day of Black Community Action in St. Pete


  1. Excellent to see!! #WeStandTogether #EnoughIsEnough #BlackLivesMatter #BernieSanders2016 --- #WeStandTogether #EnoughIsEnough #BlackLivesMatter
    Bernie Sanders advocates raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020, closing tax loopholes exploited by the wealthy and profitable corporations, undertaking a massive $1 trillion program to fix roads and bridges, railways and other infrastructure that would also create or sustain 13 million jobs -- His campaign advocates a Medicare-for-all health care system to provide better care for more people at less cost, an expansion of Social Security and tuition-free college.
    An in depth plan to address racial inequality and racial injustice was introduced at the massive Portland rally. --- The policy plans that would be implemented by Bernie Sanders, as President of the United States can be found at BernieSanders.com/issues/racial-justice.

  2. Nice job Stogie, Thanks!
