Florida GOP

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Regulate Florida, a recently formed political committee, released a constitutional amendment petition to allow adult use of marijuana in Florida, under a regulatory structure similar to that which exists for alcohol. The organization led by longtime marijuana reform advocates, Karen Goldstein and Michael Minardi.
United for Care remains dedicated to the passage of a constitutional amendment to allow sick and suffering Floridians access to medical marijuana and has no official position on the legalization initiative. Campaign manager, Ben Pollara, issued the following statement regarding the new initiative:
"I know firsthand that getting on the ballot by petition is a Herculean task that they are taking on, and I wish Karen and Michael the best of luck in this endeavor.” Pollara continued, “United for Care remains entirely dedicated to passing a strong medical marijuana law that serves sick and suffering Floridians, and we have not and will not take a position regarding this new amendment.”
“Perhaps our intellectually dishonest opponents will have to find a new argument to oppose medical marijuana now, given that their standard line of attack has been that this is a ‘trick’ to legalize marijuana. This campaign has always been and will always be about the needs of the sick and suffering among us."
To date, United for Care has collected about 400,000 petitions, and 43,259 had been verified as of 5 pm on Wednesday. A constitutional amendment petition requires signatures from 683,149 registered voters.
For press inquiries please contact 
Bianca Garza at press@unitedforcare.org.

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