Florida GOP

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bought-and-Paid-For Patrick Murphy

When the Supreme Court ruled in favor of “Citizens United” in 2010, they opened the floodgates for Wall Street millionaires and billionaires to stupefy the voters, with a never-ending barrage of misleading information and outlandish attacks. I faced it in my previous races for the House, and we are already seeing Big Money get ready to attack me in next year’s election.
The worst part? My primary opponent, Patrick Murphy, is a tool of these very same Super PACs. He was one of the biggest recipients in the country of Super PAC help in 2012. Now, Bought-and-Paid-For Patrick is refusing even to discuss an agreement to keep special-interest Big Money lies out of the 2016 Florida Senate race.
Rep. Alan Grayson
Candidate for U.S. Senate

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