Florida GOP

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Patrick Murphy: Why Florida Dems Suck

Murphy's campaign has announced the endorsements from Amanda Murphy of New Port Richey (Shame, this blog HAD high hopes for her), Cynthia Stafford of Miami, Richard Stark of Weston and Mia Jones and Reggie Fullwood, both of Jacksonville. The added support gives Murphy the backing of almost 60 percent of the 53 Democrats in the Florida Legislature: seven in the Senate and 24 in the House. here

Please note, in a poll at THE FLORIDA SQUEEZE, he is in 3rd place behind Alan Grayson and Pam Keith. Is it to early to start taking bets on how bad he will lose to the GOP if he is nominated?

1 comment:

  1. Great post. He can't even beat fellow Dems. How is he going to beat the GOP?
