Florida GOP

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Rude And Ungrateful HART Drivers

Saturday this blog sponsored a team in 
A scavenger hunt to raise money for  
Teams were given a list of task, one of them was to get a picture of a team member holding a bus pass next to a bus driver. Our team visited the Marion Transit Center to try to accomplish this task. After talking to several bus drivers, not one would help us. We showed them our tasker, told them why we needed the pic and even offered to block out their faces. Still they were rude and would not help us. We checked with other teams and with the hunt director and no one was able to accomplish this task. May we remind these drivers that it is activist like us who fight super highways (TBX) and promote mass transit so they can keep their jobs. If you would like to let HART know what you think, please do it here.

Spacial thanks to:
The bartenders at The Hub, the folks at MF Arts Ybor for the use of their awesome space, Red Star Rock Bar, the man at Ella's Americana Folk Art Cafe who let us in to get our pic of the two headed gator even though they were not open yet (Thanks for the offer Dude!), 
La Segunda Cenral Bakery, Ulele, Mermaid Tavern, Nicko'sKing Corona and many more for being so HELPFUL!
And The Heights Collective for this awesome event!  

1 comment:

  1. We also tried, no luck. One driver wanted to thow us off the bus. Sucks!
