Florida GOP

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


According to the Division of Elections website 73, 713 petitions have been verified. That’s 5,000 over the required amount to trigger the Supreme Court review.

Campaign Manager, Ben Pollara stated, “We are thrilled at this timely accomplishment.  This is the first major milestone to bringing medical marijuana before the Florida voters in November 2016.  In the next election, voters will succeed where their elected have failed them, and pass a comprehensive, compassionate medical marijuana law to serve the hundreds of thousands of sick and suffering people who are desperate for relief in our state. Without our volunteer efforts we would not be so well positioned to make the ballot in December.”

In order to be placed on the ballot United for Care needs the Supreme Court approval and to collect 683,149 valid petitions by Feb 1, 2016. Last election, ballot placement was not approved for the dedicated team until the final hour.
Campaign Chairman, John Morgan, stated, “Compassion is coming in 2016! Tallahassee is broken, but I have faith in the people of Florida. We will win and hundreds of thousands will benefit as a result.”
For press inquiries please contact Bianca Garza at press@unitedforcare.org 

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