Florida GOP

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Florida Class Warfare

 Rick Scott, and the state’s economic development arm, Enterprise Florida, recently teamed up to promote Florida’s business climate to Kentucky businesses. In a radio ad, they asked Kentuckians if they were tired of unions and high taxes, and touted Florida as a place that has neither “as a right-to-work state,
with no income tax.” 
While Scott and his 
corporate functionaries 
tout these as state assets,  they are actually liabilities for the majority of Floridians. here

1 comment:

  1. The people of Florida need to get rid of Rick Scott by impeachment or whatever legal action is necessary ... I don't want to pay his Fines or have him use money designated for Environmental for any of his illegal activities ...
    Let's get out of office before he does any more stupid things ...
    Maybe some of you won't agree with me___
    That's okay ! Everyone has a right to their own opinion ...
    I am just expressing mine ...
    We need an Honest Man in office !
