Florida GOP

Friday, October 30, 2015

Pam Bondi: Most Corrupt Florida Attorney General Ever!

Here we go again, 
Attorney General Pam Bondi said her continuing challenges to federal environmental regulations are not political and instead are aimed at protecting Floridians. So she is  joining 23 other states in challenging an Obama administration rule on power plant emissions designed to address climate change. Remember last year she challenged a Chesapeake Bay water cleanup plan that most of the states around the bay had agreed to but industry and agriculture groups opposed. She also is challenging federal wetlands rules that agricultural groups and stormwater utilities are opposing. here
"The role of the Florida attorney general is to protect the citizens of Florida by going to court and providing legal services to government agencies. Instead Bondi is acting as the government arm of polluting industries that want to degrade the Florida environment at the expense of ordinary citizens." David Guest of the Earthjustice law firm office in Tallahassee.
Click here to see what real Corruption looks like!

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