Florida GOP

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Tampa Chamber Kissing Rick Scott's Ass

Last Friday, Bob Rohrlack, the respected Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce President and CEO, sent off a blistering letter to Rick Scott.
Now Mr. Rohrlack is in hot water with his own board after the publication of that letter was released. 
“Although we asked Mr. Rohrlack to communicate the importance of appointments in the community, the letter you received was in tone, choice of words, and content not appropriate and not sanctioned by the Tampa Chamber Board,” Chamber Board Chair. Sam Christaldi
The ass kissing continues, he goes on to lavish Scott with praise, writing,”with your historic investments in our community and your steadfast commitment to job creation in the State of Florida. The Chamber is “appreciative” of the business initiatives that “you have advanced for the benefit of Tampa Bay. We hope that nothing in Mr. Rohrlack’s letter gave anyone a contrary impression.”

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