Florida GOP

Monday, November 2, 2015

Who's to blame when Patrick Murphy gets crushed next year?

Patrick Murphy, the Florida New Dems Senate nomination
 has ZERO legislative accomplishments resulting from a Murphy authored bill signed into law by President Obama
is the largest recipient of Wall Street contributions of any Democrat that sits on the Financial Services committeewith regulating)
Wall Street 
voted FOR the Benghazi committee, 
FOR Keystone pipeline, 
:( FOR offshore drilling in Florida, 
FOR cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, 
and social security
FOR cutting taxes on the 1%
 while raising those on the middle and working classes,
 FOR delaying Obamacare, 
FOR delaying Elizabeth Warren's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and AGAINST All Aboard Florida commuter rail funding.
 He's been silent on raising the minimum wage to $15,
 the Black Lives Matter movement, 
and breaking up the banks. Why? Because that's what 
his big money Republican donors want. here 
Who the hell wants to vote for him?  We like the real Dems better! YCS
The story goes that he is the front runner, maybe theirs but not ours. 
Florida don't be fooled Poll says he is in 3rd place. 
 Join The Susan Smith Wing of The Florida Democratic Paty

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