Florida GOP

Thursday, December 17, 2015


 On Thursday, December 17th, 2015 the Florida Supreme Court ruled in favor of theUse of Marijuana for Debilitating Medical Conditions petition. The final hurdle to making the 2016 ballot will be gathering enough valid signatures- 683,149. At the time of the Supreme Court ruling, 400,032 petitions had been validated. With 900,000 gathered, United for Care is confident they will garner enough valid signatures to make the 2016 ballot. 
This ruling comes as no surprise to United for Care, the organization spearheading the effort to make the 2016 ballot.

Ben Pollara, Campaign Manager, said, "The unanimous decision by the Florida Supreme Court to approve the new medical marijuana constitutional amendment is a huge victory for hundreds of thousands of sick and suffering Floridians who could benefit from the passage of such a law. While we still must collect the required number of petitions before officially being placed on the 2016 ballot, we are confident that we will and that Florida voters will approve this amendment in the general election. In 2014, four of seven Supreme Court justices approved our ballot language and 58% of Floridians voted "yes"; this time, all seven justices approved our language and we feel strongly that well over the required 60% of Floridians will vote "yes" for a comprehensive and compassionate medical marijuana law."

United for Care's chairman, John Morgan, stated, 
"This is a huge victory for Florida. We will win next November. 
Compassion is coming!"

For press inquires please contact Bianca Garza 
at press@unitedforcare.org 

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