Florida GOP

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Andrew Joseph Foundation

"While the rest of the world engages in celebratory interactions, we continue to stand at the threshold of the unknown. We stand within a story of a little boy who was killed when he engaged in a school sponsored fair day and suffered a tragic death. Andrew Joseph, III will never see or celebrate days or seasons such as today. As parents to this child, before us lies a new year, and we are going forward to take possession of it. Who knows what we will find? What new experiences or changes will come our way? What new needs will arise? In spite of the uncertainty before us, we are fully engaged and committed to execute the plan for Justice and Accountability for our 14 year old son Andrew Joseph, III killed in Tampa, Florida on 2/7/14. From the beginning of the year to its end it will forever be our mission to improve the conditions of life for our children, no child should die a senseless death."

Please visit website 
 and offer your support. 

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