Florida GOP

Monday, April 18, 2016

Orlando Sending Tampa Their Homeless

Hillsborough County is so successful at dealing with its homeless problem that social welfare organizations in other counties are taking notice and sending their homeless here, 
local advocates say. here
This past week, an Orlando agency that helps find jobs for the disabled bought bus tickets for a single mother and her three young children and sent them to Tampa with no money or idea where they would stay or how they would provide for themselves. The woman has no family or friends in Tampa and falsely was told that arrangements were made to put them up at Metropolitan Ministries.

Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office deputies, Tampa police officers and a cadre of homeless advocates managed to put the family up in a motel for a night and feed them and then put them back on a bus to Orlando, where the agency that sent them here in the first place promised to take care of them.

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