Florida GOP

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Pam Bondi: Worst Attorney General Ever

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has added our great state to the lawsuit that is currently blocking the implementation of Obama's executive actions on immigration. While she would be quick to tell you that we need to fix our broken immigration system, her consistent refusal to meet with constituents to discuss the issue of immigration paints a different picture of her intentions. here
A PPRI poll reports that nearly four out of five Floridians wish that immigrants "be allowed to stay" in the country. Moreover, the same poll indicates that Floridians view immigrants as assets to our country's customs and values. Bondi has shown that she is willing to ignore her constituents in Florida and embroil our state in a wasteful lawsuit that benefits no one but Republican hard-liners.
In Florida, where up to 229,000 immigrants could benefit from the president's executive actions, this translates to an estimated $9.4 billion growth in our state's GDP. And that is not all: A report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy estimates that Florida's state and local tax coffers would grow by $17 million per year.


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