Florida GOP

Monday, April 4, 2016

Please Support this Activist/Preacher/Organizer

I am asking for people to committ to ongoing support for the work I do with Activism, Community Organizing, Homeless/Poor Outreach. This is going to my personal support, I am trying to raise $900 a month, including support of the Revolutionary Road Radio show, and as an activist/organizer. Have never appealed like this before and really could use your monthly support. Any amount per month would help. Please tell your friends. 
Your help is needed. I 
can be reached at 727 278 1547 
or bruce@stpeteprogressives.org. 
Never asked for help in this way before. No longer have funding and want to continue this work, but need your help. This urgent as we have many outreaches, organizing efforts in the works. Checks can be made to the Refuge for my support and sent to 3705 58th Ave. north, St. Petersburg, Florida. If you want to give direct help for expenses, please contact me. info

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