Florida GOP

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Poll: Pat Kemp Leads

A new poll shows Pat Kemp leading the Democratic primary for the District 6 countywide Hillsborough County Commission seat. Kemp led the four candidates with the support of 34 percent of those polled. Tom Scott drew 24 percent, John Dicks 6 percent and Brian Willis, the leading fundraiser in the primary, got 4 percent. here


  1. Candy Doss, Volunteer Bernie Mom of RIVERSIDE and surrounding areas12:21 PM, June 25, 2016

    You go, girl!
    I'm a baby boomer and worked on the ERA in the 80s.... So I feel it's ok for me to use that term.
    But mostly we think of girls to be under 18. If she is over 18 she is a woman!!! Like: I am woman, hear me roar. ( Thank you, Helen Reddy!)

  2. Candy Doss, Volunteer Bernie Mom of RIVERSIDE and surrounding areas12:24 PM, June 25, 2016

    Thanks to Julio for keeping me in the loop. We miss you here in southern Calif...

  3. Thank you Candy, I miss you guys too!
