Florida GOP

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Still Helping The MCM

Lefty, as she is called by the family is at it again. In 2008 Wasserman Schultz sabotaged and undermined Joe Garcia and Raul Martinez to help the reelection efforts of reactionary Republicans Mario and Lincoln Diaz-Balart. Mario's district had basically turned blue and when Lincoln decided to devote his energies to plotting to become president of Cuba, Mario skipped across the district to claim Lincoln's redder seat. Today he's been challenged in that seat by Alina Valdes, a physician and a dedicated progressive. And-- wouldn't you know it-- Wasserman Schultz hasn't learned her lesson and is up to her old tricks again... working against Valdes on behalf of Diaz-Balart! Outrageously, she still hasn't been removed as chair of the DNC. here

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