Florida GOP

Friday, July 8, 2016

Self-Proclaimed Environment Expert Dana Young

Tell Majority Leader (and self-proclaimed environment expert) Dana Young to stand up to Big Sugar and stop the toxic water crisis facing Florida. The noxious algae – spurred by pollution from sugar companies – is choking our waterways, hurting our communities’ economy, environment and health. Young’s silence on the crisis is deafening and unacceptable.
Rep. Dana Young and politicians like Governor Rick Scott and Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam are at the center of this crisis. For years, they have ignored calls from the EPA to monitor these water pollutants more closely while allow[ing] poor water policies to poison and degrade Florida's most valuable resources. Make no mistake: Rep. Young, the Florida Cabinet and their allies could have prevented this from happening!
It is no coincidence that U.S. Sugar Corp., one of Florida’s worst environmental offenders, gave Dana Young $20,000 just last month. here

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