Florida GOP

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Florida GOP, Pro TBX Sandy Murman MIA

The Tiger Bay debate in Ybor was originally scheduled for October 7. Sandy Murman was unable to appear on that date so Tiger Bay reschedule the event around Ms. Murman's schedule to October 14. She confirmed almost two weeks ago, now suddenly has a conflict on this date.
"Maybe Ms. Murman doesn't want to defend her vote on TBX. Maybe she doesn't want to discuss the fiscally irresponsible transit 'plan' that she recently proposed that would have jeopardized our credit rating and threatened future essential services (police, fire, and rescue). Maybe she wanted to avoid having to answer questions about her donors - many of them developers - and why she often votes in favor of developer interests, instead of the residents of a particular area. These are all questions that may never get answered now that she is not going to attend the October 14 forum." here

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