Florida GOP

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Help LiAnne Flakes

Ms. Flakes is a childcare worker and worker leader in the Fight for 15 movement in the Tampa Bay area. For the last 2 years, she has stood on the front lines of the movement for fair wages, union rights, and affordable childcare for all. On Tuesday, November 29, LiAnne took part in a National Day of Civil Disobedience and got arrested with thousands of others fighting for a better future for American families from coast to coast-all while suffering from a dislocated shoulder and the loss of her temporary home due to financial difficulty.
She is a child care professional who has worked in the industry for 22 years. Over recent weeks, she has dealt with a myriad of health issues while still working full time to make ends meet. Struggling with health insurance and mounting bills, this fundraiser is being put together to support a True Warrior and vocal Childcare Advocate who has shown incredible courage and strength in standing up for so many of us. She is being forced to relocate and this funding will assist in that endeavor. We hope to provide Lianne with the resources to pay her medical bills and make a smooth transistion to her home.
 Thank you in advance! here

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