Florida GOP

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Florida GOP Power Grab

On Monday, March 6, the Senate Committee for Community Affairs meets to consider three bills that will hurt communities across the state. We urge you to contact members of the committee (direct contact info below) and urge them to vote NO on the following bills: 
SB 534: This bill restricts local counties and cities from enacting and enforcing many local ordinances. If passed, this means that those working on local infrastructure projects in our communities can be denied a living and prevailing wage, hurting workers and local economic development in the process. Filed by Sen. Keith Perry (R-Gainesville).
SB 80: This bill will make it harder for people to access public records and effectively undermine open government in the Sunshine State. What's more, it will erode the state constitution, which guarantees Floridians the right to access public records. Filed by Sen. Greg Steube (R-Sarasota).
SB 428: This bill is the Legislature's annual attack on the Florida Retirement System and would limit new participants from the pension fund, putting the retirement security of nearly a million workers and retirees at risk. Filed by Sen. Jeff Brandes (R-St. Petersburg).

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