Florida GOP

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Florida GOP Rick Baker Wants To Take St. Pete Back To The Bad Old Days

During Rick Baker’s term as mayor, he refused to offer any support for the LGBT community, banned the pride flag from city hall, and refused to attend pride events around the city. Since Rick Baker’s time, St. Petersburg has moved forward, and city hall is open and supportive of the city’s diverse gay community. St. Petersburg now has an equality score of 100, because of equality in the law and the support for the gay community by the mayor and city council. Time and time again, equality has proven to be not only the right thing to do, but also good for tourism and business. St. Petersburg is no exception, and Rick Baker would move our city backward on this hard earned progress.
“St. Petersburg has moved forward the past 3 years. We can never go back to a time when discrimination was ok in the mayors’ office. We will be discussing the stakes in this election, and the type of candidate our community cannot stand with in August. We can’t go back to a mayor who is uncomfortable with the LGBT community, or any other part of our diverse city.” Susan McGrath

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