Florida GOP

Friday, June 9, 2017

Hillsborough County Right Wing Approve Cap On Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

The 6-1 vote came after commissioners heard from several residents who pleaded against caps, citing concerns about access for patients and lack of competition driving up prices.
 Commissioner Pat Kemp, the lone no vote
"I'm little surprised it's left to me to make the free-market argument," said Kemp, a Democrat.


  1. There are so many more Democrats and NPA's register voters in this county then Republicans and yet most of our commissioners are all Republicans. If the Democrats would get off their lazy ass and vote (Oh wait they don't have too, they can vote by mail) this would not happen.

  2. These people don't care about patients. Ask them what they and Super lobbyists THE Beth Leytham talked about at the 60 meetings they had in the past seven months.

  3. Poor Commissioner Kemp, sheep among wolves.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This DINO Les Miller has to go!!!

  6. Commissioner Murman was worried about the children and warning that children are watching what they do. What about the children that suffer from seizures, cancer, all types of debilitating diseases? They are watching you tell them that they deserve little to no access to this medicine because it's too far away or because the monopoly this will cause will drive up the rates. They just watched you say they do not matter.

  7. It doesn't matter what they do. The article says the state is going to over rule these ass wipes. Thank Ken Hagan for wasting everyone's time.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Now the county as well as the state will be in litigation for years and the patients will look for other avenues instead of suffering waiting for all of these idiots to figure out how the rules favor their religious beliefs, ideology, cohorts, and cronies and on top of that no smoke, no vape, no edibles the whole mess is a ruse and a disgrace, the black market thrives and
    The black market rules because there are no rules. ~ ~ Ray DiPasquale

  10. I called Ken Hagan and told his aid my thoughts.
